Daniel E. Estrin, Supervising Attorney, Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic
Adjunct Professor of Law, Pace Law School
For the second time in four years, Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic’s clients have caught Frasure Creek Mining, LLC in the act of submitting false information to government agencies on numerous quarterly discharge monitoring reports associated with pollutant discharges from its mountaintop removal coal mines in eastern Kentucky.
For more information about the thousands of violations of the Clean Water Act on which the Clinic and its co-counsel served noticed on Friday, November 14, 2014, here are links to our Notice of Intent to Sue and the Press Release prepared by our clients, Appalachian Voices, Waterkeeper Alliance, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth and Kentucky Riverkeeper.
Check out Appalachian Voices’ Flickr page for photos of discharges from some of Frasure Creek’s coal mines.
We’ll continue to update this post with links to articles/press coverage regarding our notice of intent to sue to enforce these violations of federal law.
Environmental Groups to File Federal Suit Against Frasure Creek Mining (Ronnie Ellis, CNHI, Frankfurt, KY)
Clean Mining a Deception in Kentucky, Groups Say (Michael Wines, New York Times)
Groups Again Allege Kentucky Mining Company Falsified Pollution Records (Erica Peterson, NPR/WFPL News, Louisville, KY)
Environmental groups accuse Kentucky coal company of resuming falsified pollution reports (Bill Estep, Herald-Leader, Lexington, KY)
Greens Threaten Ky. Mining Co. Over CWA Reports (David Siegel, LAW360)
Groups allege 28,000 mining violations, lax enforcement (James Bruggers, The Courier-Journal, Louisville, KY)
Groups say Ky. mine filing false reports again (Associated Press, Lexington, KY)
Same coal company, same old (illegal) tricks (Eric Chance, Appalachian Voices)
Groups Take Legal Action Against Coal Company for Falsifying Water Pollution Reports (Anastasia Pantsios, Ecowatch)
Kentucky Coal Company Falsified Water Pollution Reports, Environmental Group Alleges (Katie Valentine, ThinkProgress.org)