
PELR accepts articles on a rolling basis until issues are filled. PELR publishes at least two times a year. Information on publishing in our Fall and Spring issues of PELR, as well as publishing on GreenLaw, is below.

Publishing in Fall and Spring Issues

The Pace Environmental Law Review (PELR) requests that authors abide by the following submission guidelines: All articles submitted to Pace Environmental Law Review are required to be works of original scholarship, and may not have been previously published. In addition, unless other arrangements are made all articles should reflect the latest and most complete version of the author’s work. Drafts or works-in-progress will not be considered unless they are solicited by the Law Review.

  • Submitted manuscripts must be double-spaced, typed, in a standard, easy-to-read font, and formatted to fit on 8 ½ x 11 paper.
  • Length Limitations:
    • Essays: Approximately 12 – 25 double-spaced pages including text and footnotes (3,000- 6,250 words)
    • Articles: Approximately 25 – 75 double-spaced pages including text and footnotes (Articles exceeding 75 pages will only be published in unusual circumstances)
  • All submissions should conform to the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style and should be divided into parts and sub-parts where appropriate.
  • All citations should conform to the most recent edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, published by the Harvard Law Review Association. Footnotes should be current as of the date of submission.
  • Authors may submit articles either via Scholastica or directly (in either Microsoft Word or PDF format) to the Acquisitions Editors via email
  • All submissions should contain the title of the article in addition to the Author’s name, email, and phone number.

Authors will be notified of all publication decisions via email. As a matter of policy, PELR does not discuss the reasons for its publication decisions. Questions? Email our Acquisitions Editors at

Publishing on GreenLaw

The Pace Environmental Law Review (PELR) requests that authors abide by the following submission guidelines: All articles submitted to Pace Environmental Law Review for GreenLaw are required to be works of original scholarship, and may not have been previously published. In addition, unless other arrangements are made, all articles should reflect the latest and most complete version of the author’s work. Drafts or works-in-progress will not be considered unless they are solicited by the Law Review.

  • Submitted manuscripts must be double-spaced, typed, in a standard, easy-to-read font, and formatted to fit on 8 ½ x 11 paper.
  • Length: Anywhere from 2 – 25 double-spaced pages including text and footnotes or hyperlinks
  • All submissions should conform to the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style and should be divided into parts and sub-parts where appropriate.
  • All citations should EITHER be hyperlinks OR conform to the most recent edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, published by the Harvard Law Review Association. Footnotes or hyperlinks should be current as of the date of submission.
  • Authors may submit articles directly in Microsoft Word format to the Acquisitions Editors via email with the subject line GreenLaw Submission
  • All submissions should contain the title of the article in addition to the Author’s name, email, and phone number.

Authors will be notified of all publication decisions via email. As a matter of policy, PELR does not discuss the reasons for its publication decisions. Questions? Email our Acquisitions Editors at