Exxon May Win A Battle But It Is Losing The War

By Douglas McKeige[*] The case is in and we now await a ruling from Judge Barry Ostrager of the New York Supreme Court.  The Attorney General of New York sued Exxon for publicly misrepresenting how it valued its oil reserves in light of likely future costs of climate...

I am Climate Justice (ICJ) Movement

By Anxhela (Angela) Mile[*] and Railla Puno[**] Climate change threatens the health, security, and livelihoods of millions around the world; these threats are greatest for today’s youth and future generations.  The 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change...

Legal Protection Gap: ‘Climate Refugees’

By Anxhela (Angela) Mile [*] There are currently no legal protections for ‘climate refugees.’ Additionally, a debate exists on whether to characterize those displaced by environmental degradation, climate change, and natural disasters as ‘climate refugees’ or ‘climate...