Climate Resilient Development at the Local Level: Minneapolis Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Dependency on Private-Vehicle Use by Eliminating Parking Minimums

Climate Resilient Development at the Local Level: Minneapolis Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Dependency on Private-Vehicle Use by Eliminating Parking Minimums

What is Minneapolis 2040? In March 2018, the City of Minneapolis began public meetings to discuss its plan for future growth. Over the course of two years, residents participated in sharing their hopes for the city. It was determined that as the city grows, everyone...

The Climate Resilient Development Project Local Solutions to the Global Crisis: A Guide to Climate Resilient Development

  The Climate Resilient Development Project Local Solutions to the Global Crisis: A Guide to Climate Resilient Development Student Authors Ethan Baer, Caitlin Boas, Gabriella Izquierdo, Laurel Jobe, and Samuel Stewart Land Use Scholars in the Land Use Law Center at...