by Lauren Lynam | Apr 19, 2023 | climate change, Climate Resilient Development, Environmental Law, Land Use
Sustainable parking systems save space, increase energy efficiency, and reduce the environmental impacts of parking garages. Because of these incentives, municipalities and private actors will spend less money on overhead costs like electricity and gas, thus enabling...
by Jenna Faucheux | Apr 19, 2023 | climate change, Climate Resilient Development, Environmental Law, Land Use
In the United States, surface parking lots alone cover more than five percent of all urban land, representing an area greater than the states of Rhode Island and Delaware combined. Unfortunately, when municipalities allow soil, vegetation, and trees to be replaced...
by Madison Pettus | Apr 18, 2023 | climate change, Climate Resilient Development, Environmental Law, Land Use
Phoenix, Arizona is a top producer in agriculture with the county ranked number one in the state for the total value of agriculture products sold including milk, poultry, and eggs, with 60% of the farms in the county fewer than nine acres in size. Like many cities in...
by Bridget Molnar | Apr 15, 2023 | climate change, Climate Resilient Development, Environmental Law, Land Use
Baltimore’s Mayor introduced its Climate Action Plan (CAP) with these words: “While we as a City alone cannot change the course of world climate patterns, we must do our part. The City of Baltimore’s Climate Action plan is our promise to take action, reduce our...
by Jenna Faucheux | Apr 12, 2023 | climate change, Climate Resilient Development, Environmental Law, Land Use
The increase in global temperatures caused by human activity is contributing to sea-level rise worldwide. Humans are discharging vast amounts of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere resulting in the melting of glaciers and the expansion of seawater as it warms....
by John Nolon | Apr 3, 2023 | Climate Resilient Development, Environmental Law, Land Use
Author: John R. Nolon; Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus; Co-counsel, Land Use Law Center In the recently released Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate Resilient Development is described as a principal...