by Mark Shulman
It is exam season here at Pace Law School, and for me, a time to take stock of the new Land Use and Sustainable Development Track of our LLM in Environmental Law. We launched this program in August, and I believe it is the first to combine these themes. We decided to launch this new track early in 2010 because it became apparent that my colleague John Nolon has a new way of thinking about land use that deserves its own LLM concentration. The program offers to students the opportunity to study the theory and practice of using land in sustainable ways. It features a new course on the Lawyer’s Role in Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development in the Practice of Real Estate, and the Kheel Center’s signature course on Environmental Dispute Resolution. The feedback from our first class of students is very favorable, so we are looking forward to being on the right side of history – helping people to find ways to support human development in more sustainable ways.