by mshulman | Dec 27, 2010 | Uncategorized
by Mark Shulman It is exam season here at Pace Law School, and for me, a time to take stock of the new Land Use and Sustainable Development Track of our LLM in Environmental Law. We launched this program in August, and I believe it is the first to combine these...
by mshulman | Dec 6, 2010 | Uncategorized
by Mark Shulman The news is full of insights gleaned from the enormous WikiLeaks’ dump of diplomatic dispatches. Tom Friedman’s recent New York Times column takes a different tact, imagining a leaked dispatch from a Chinese diplomat in Washington. As he does...
by mshulman | Nov 24, 2010 | Uncategorized
by Mark Shulman Lately I’ve started to give more thought to how different societies define environmental law. That’s not as simple a question as it might seem. Learning more about how societies define this key field can tell you much about their environmental...